By-Laws of the College Staff Consortium
Revised By-Laws Approved January 28, 1993
Article I: Authorization and Purpose
The College Staff Consortium, hereafter referred to as CSC, was established on July 15, 1982. It is authorized by the Dean of Emory College to provide a forum through which staff members of the College can participate responsibly in the affairs of the Emory College community in the following ways:
1. The CSC will hold regular meetings of its membership (see Article V Meetings); 2. The CSC will promote discussion of issues and concerns of the College staff; 3. The CSC will formulate proposals regarding solution of issues in item 2. It will share and gather information regarding CSC concerns with other established university committees such as the Employee Council, the University Senate, the President's Commissions on Minorities and Women, the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs, and other staff interest groups, to seek clarification of issues regarding University policy; 4. The CSC will advise the Dean as follows: a. The CSC will make recommendations based on item 3 to the Dean. The Dean will forward these recommendations to the appropriate University administrators with or without his full endorsement. The Dean will communicate the progress and final outcome of these recommendations in writing to the Executive Committee. Recommendations may also be sent directly to University administrators when appropriate; however the Dean will always be informed. b. The Executive Committee of the CSC will meet with the Dean at least once a year or as necessary, to discuss current problems and concerns; c. The regular membership of the CSC will hold one meeting annually with the Dean; d. The secretary of the CSC will provide the Dean with approved minutes of the Executive Committee and full membership meetings; 5. The CSC will endorse and support programs of educational interest and benefit to the College staff; 6. The CSC will promote a community of staff.
Article II: Membership
Article III: Officers
The officers of the CSC will include a Chair, a Chair-Elect, and a Secretary.
Officers will be nominated and elected at the last Academic Year meeting (May) of the CSC and will serve a term of one year beginning in September.
A. The Chair will, in his/her leadership role, perform the duties usually pertaining to that office. The Chair will preside at all meetings of the CSC, will be responsible for preparing the agenda for the meetings of the CSC with the Executive Committee, and will be an ex-officio member of all committees of the CSC. B. The Chair-Elect will assist the Chair in leadership of the CSC and, in the absence of the Chair, will preside at meetings of the CSC and perform such other functions as are assigned to the Chair. The Chair-Elect will be responsible for the newsletter STAFFACTS and/or passing news of interest to all members, planning programs of CSC meetings, and assuming the responsibilities of the Chair at the end of the annual term of the Chair. C. The Secretary will keep the minutes of the meetings of the CSC, will maintain a complete and accurate list of all members and their locations, and will perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office or as are required by the CSC. Written notice of the place and time of meetings will be sent to all members at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Article IV: Committees
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee will consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, immediate past Chair, and at least one Representative from each subdivision: Humanities; Social Sciences; Natural Sciences and Mathematics; and the College Office. The Executive Committee will be elected for a term of one year.
The liaison between the CSC and the Emory Employee Council will be appointed by the Chair. It will be either one of the members representing the College on the Emory Employee Council or a member of the Executive Committee. This appointee will attend all meetings of both organizations and advise the CSC of current Employee Council events.
The Executive Committee will meet monthly and/or as called by the Chair at a time convenient to its members. The Executive Committee will consider all matters presented to it by the CSC or by the Chair and will be charged with making recommendations to the CSC. The Executive Committee will assist the Chair in setting agenda for the regular CSC meetings.
It will also be the responsibility of the Executive Committee and the Chair-Elect to present programs of interest and educational benefit to members. Suggestions will be taken from the members at large for such programs and decided by the Executive Committee and/or Chair-Elect.
Nominating Committee
The Chair will appoint the Nominating Committee. The Committee will send a request to all members asking for nominations and for volunteers who are willing to serve as an officer or a member of the Executive Committee. Candidates will be asked if they are willing to serve prior to being listed as a candidate. From those names submitted, the committee will select the slate of candidates to be submitted at the May meeting. Nominations (provided the person is willing to serve) will also be accepted from the floor. A majority of those voting will be sufficient to elect.
Other Committees
Other committees as needed will be created by the CSC or the Chair on advice of the Executive Committee. Members of the Emory University community who are not members of the CSC may be appointed by the Chair, with the approval of the CSC, to serve on an ad hoc basis as members of these committees as long as they are needed.
Article V: Meetings
A quorum of 15 members present will be necessary to transact business.